Mixed Reality Seating Buck (MRSB)

The MRSB system allows the simulation of a car interior, from both a physical and visual point of view. The MRSB system represents the workbench for the validation of the car interior, where the users can interact with the new shape and design solutions. In practice, it is a basic structure, which has the principal commands of a dashboard. Each command is provided with the necessary degrees of freedom.
One of the main characteristics of the MRSB is the flexibility, as well as the fact that it allows the simulation of the interior structure of a very wide number of vehicles. A robotic arm “KR3 Kuka” has been integrated in the frame. This robotic arm is provided with 6 DOF, and it has the aim of positioning the dashboard components in the space, according to the desired configuration.
In order to obtain a Mixed Reality environment by using the developed workbench, it has been necessary to integrate further devices, as:
• Stereoscopic system
• Tracking system
• Haptic devices

The use of these devices enables the user to evaluate diverse configurations, which can be modified in real time so as to permit a proper comparison among the various proposed solutions.